LD 1877
pg. 2
Page 1 of 2 An Act to Encourage Lending and Technical Assistance to Natural Resource-based ... LD 1877 Title Page
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LR 2878
Item 1


This bill requires a state agency or other organization that
receives state funding for the purposes of economic and community
development to develop a strategy to ensure that natural
resource-based businesses and businesses with 3 or fewer
employees have access to lending programs with priority placed
upon disseminating information and assistance to rural areas.
This bill also requires that an agency or organization required
to develop such a strategy report by January 15th of each year to
the joint standing committee of the Legislature having
jurisdiction over business and economic development matters
concerning the effect and impact of the strategy in relation to
the purposes of the bill. The bill requires the Maine Small
Business Commission to coordinate outreach and technical
assistance to natural resource-based businesses and businesses
with 3 or fewer employees and to work closely with various state
agencies and other programs to develop an overall plan for this
outreach and technical assistance.

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