LD 1882
pg. 2
Page 1 of 2 An Act to Include in the Business Equipment Tax Reimbursement Program those Ene... LD 1882 Title Page
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LR 2489
Item 1

Notwithstanding any other provision of this subsection,
"qualified business property" also includes real property or an
energy production facility that produces energy and from which at
least 80% of the energy output is generated from production
residuals that are a by-product of a primary or secondary wood
product industry in the State.


For purposes of the business equipment tax reimbursement
program, this bill adds to the definition of "qualified business
property" real property or an energy production facility that
produces energy and from which at least 80% of the energy output
is generated by wood waste, including bark, shavings, wood chips
and sawdust from a primary or secondary wood product industry in
the State.

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