LD 1890
pg. 2
Page 1 of 16 An Act to Establish a Patients' Bill of Rights for Managed Care Page 3 of 16
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LR 1804
Item 1

qualified individuals who have no interest in the outcome of
the review.

2-A.__Externally appealable decision.__"Externally appealable
decision" means a determination, as defined in Bureau of
Insurance Rule Chapter 850, Section 5(A), by a carrier of an
enrollee's appeal of a denial of benefits or coverage if the
amount involved equals or exceeds $200. "Externally appealable
decision" does not include a denial of coverage for services that
are specifically listed in plan or coverage documents as excluded
from coverage.

2-B.__Health care treatment decision.__"Health care treatment
decision" means a determination regarding the provision of
medical services by the health or managed care plan that affects
the quality of the diagnosis, care or treatment provided to the
carrier's enrollees.

4-A.__Medically necessary or appropriate care. "Medically
necessary or appropriate care" means care that meets the standard
for care for health care services in accordance with the
professional standards of medical practice. At a minimum, care is
"medically necessary or appropriate care" if that care is
reasonably calculated to prevent, diagnose, prevent the worsening
of, alleviate, ameliorate, correct or cure defects, physical or
mental illnesses or conditions that endanger life, cause pain or
suffering, cause physical deformity or malfunction, threaten to
cause or to aggravate a handicap or disability or result in
illness or infirmity.

4-B.__Ordinary care.__"Ordinary care" means, in the case of a
carrier, that degree of care that a carrier of ordinary prudence
would use under the same or similar circumstances.__In the case
of a person who is an employee, agent, ostensible agent or
representative of a carrier, "ordinary care" means that degree of
care that a person of ordinary prudence in the same profession,
specialty or area of practice as that person would use in the
same or similar circumstances.

Sec. 7. 24-A MRSA §4301, sub-§6, as enacted by PL 1995, c. 673, Pt. C,
§1 and affected by §2, is amended to read:

6. Plan sponsor. "Plan sponsor" means an employer,
association, public agency or any other entity providing a health
or managed care plan.

Sec. 8. 24-A MRSA §4301, sub-§§7, 8, 9 and 10 are enacted to read:

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