LD 1890
pg. 6
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LR 1804
Item 1

expressly waives its rights to an internal review of a
grievance or an appeal, the enrollee and the provider involved
are relieved of any obligation to complete the grievance or
appeal and may, at the enrollee's or the provider's option,
seek further appeal through an applicable external appeals

Sec. 16. 24-A MRSA §4303, sub-§5 is enacted to read:

5.__External appeals.__The following provisions apply to
external appeals.

A.__The bureau shall provide for a fair hearing that meets
the requirements of this subsection for the review of an
externally appealable decision. The expenses incurred by the
bureau in connection with a hearing must be paid by the
carrier.__The bureau may contract with other state agencies
performing administrative fair hearings to provide the
hearing in accordance with the requirements of this

B.__A carrier may condition the use of the external appeals
process hearing upon completion of the internal review
process, but only if the internal review decision is made on
a timely basis consistent with the deadlines imposed by
bureau rules.

C. The external appeals process hearing must be conducted
consistent with standards established by the superintendent
in accordance with Title 5, chapter 375, subchapter IV and
the following.

(1) The hearing must provide for a fair, de novo

(2)__As part of the hearing, the hearing officer shall
determine whether a decision is an externally
appealable decision, including:

(a)__Whether the decision involves an expedited

(b)__Whether appropriate deadlines for the
internal review process were established based on
medical exigencies; and

(c)__Whether the internal review process has been

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