LD 1894
pg. 2
Page 1 of 2 An Act to Amend the Statutes Regarding Maine Veterans LD 1894 Title Page
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LR 2588
Item 1

primary purpose of the homes Maine Veterans' Homes is to provide
support and care for honorably discharged veterans who served on
active duty in the United States Armed Forces for no less than 180

Sec. 3. 37-B MRSA §610-B, first ¶, as enacted by PL 1997, c. 395, Pt.
P, §6, is amended to read:

The Maine Veterans' Homes shall expend stipend funds received
pursuant to section 610-A first primarily on the payment of debt
service on, or the setting aside of funds irrevocably to repay as
soon as possible, the outstanding principal amount of the bonded
indebtedness of the homes and the bonded indebtedness of the
State on which the homes are obligated to pay debt service. Any
interest earned on funds set aside irrevocably to repay such
bonded indebtedness must be credited to the General Fund.


This bill clarifies that the Maine Veterans' Homes can provide
nonnursing facility care and services to eligible Maine veterans,
if approved by appropriate federal and state authorities.

The bill also requires that stipend funds received from the
federal Veterans' Administration and retained by the Maine
Veterans' Homes are to be used primarily for the payment of debt
service on the debt payable by the Maine Veterans' Homes.

The bill also requires veterans being discharged from
hospitals and nursing facilities and requiring continuing care to
receive sufficient notice of the availability statewide of the
facilities and services of the Maine Veterans' Homes.

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