LD 1896
pg. 1
LD 1896 Title Page Resolve, to Increase Reimbursement for Chiropractic Manipulation under the Medi... LD 1896 Title Page
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LR 2110
Item 1

Sec. 1. Commissioner of Human Services directed to increase to at least $20 per hour the
allowed reimbursement to providers of chiropractic manipulation under the Medicaid
program. Resolved: That the Commissioner of Human Services shall
increase to at least $20 per hour the allowed reimbursement to
providers of Medicaid services that involve chiropractic


This bill increases the reimbursement for chiropractic
manipulation under the Medicaid program from the current $9 per
hour to $20 per hour.

LD 1896 Title Page Top of Page LD 1896 Title Page