LD 1905
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Page 1 of 2 An Act to Establish the Birth Defects Program LD 1905 Title Page
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evaluate control measures to protect the public health.__Persons
requested to provide information and access to health care and
other records for the purposes of an investigation or inspection
under this section shall provide information and access.

§8943.__Central registry

The department shall establish and maintain a central registry
for cases of birth defects to accomplish the purposes of this
chapter and facilitate research on birth defects.__The submission
and distribution of information from the central registry are
subject to the requirements of this chapter and other provisions
of law.__Information that directly or indirectly identifies
individual persons contained within the registry is confidential
and must be distributed from the registry in accordance with
rules adopted by the department.


The department shall adopt rules to implement this chapter.__
Rules adopted pursuant to this section are routine technical
rules as defined by Title 5, chapter 375, subchapter II-A.


By January 1st of each year the department shall report to the
joint standing committee of the Legislature having jurisdiction
over health and human services matters regarding the operation of
the program and the central registry.__The report must include
information on any findings and activities of the department with
regard to birth defects and a summary of statistical information
from the program and the central registry.__The report may
include recommendations from the department to improve the
operation of the program and the central registry.


This bill establishes a program within the Department of Human
Services to identify and collect information on birth defects.
The program will undertake research, is authorized to collect
information, has access to health care records and information
and may provide information to families on available services.
The bill requires a report to the joint standing committee of the
Legislature having jurisdiction over health and human services
matters by January 1st of each year on the operation of the

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