LD 1912
pg. 2
Page 1 of 3 An Act to Provide for Tougher Treatment of Drunk Drivers Page 3 of 3
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LR 2074
Item 1

vehicle may not recover the motor vehicle until all expenses and
the impoundment fee are paid and, if the owner is the person
arrested, the owner passes a blood-alcohol test.__The law
enforcement agency or person or entity who impounded, towed or
stored the motor vehicle pursuant to this subsection must be held
harmless for any activity conducted that is required by this

Emergency clause. In view of the emergency cited in the preamble,
this Act takes effect when approved.


Current law allows a law enforcement official at the
official's discretion to impound the vehicle of a person who is
arrested for operating the motor vehicle under the influence of
intoxicants. The bill requires a law enforcement officer to
impound the motor vehicle of a person arrested for operating the
vehicle under the influence if the person:

1. Was under 21 years of age;

2. Has at least one conviction of operating under the
influence within the past 10 years;

3. Was tested as having a blood-alcohol level of 0.15% or

4. Was exceeding the speed limit by 30 miles per hour or

5. Eluded or attempted to elude an officer;

6. Was operating with a passenger under 21 years of age; or

7. Failed to submit to a blood-alcohol test at the request of
a law enforcement officer.

This bill requires that the motor vehicle be impounded at the
time of the arrest and prohibits the release of the vehicle for a
period of not less than 48 hours after the time of impoundment.
The owner of the motor vehicle shall pay all of the expenses
incident to the impoundment and storage of the vehicle and a $100
impoundment fee to the law enforcement agency whose officer
ordered the motor vehicle impounded to pay the expenses of the
law enforcement agency in conducting the impoundment. An owner
of an impounded motor vehicle may not recover the motor vehicle
until all expenses and the impoundment fee are paid and the
owner, if the owner is the person arrested, passes a

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