LD 1915
pg. 2
Page 1 of 4 An Act to Amend Assessment Provisions Within the Charter of the Kennebunk Sewer... Page 3 of 4
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LR 1604
Item 1

by the clerk of the district within 30 days after mailing, the
clerk may give the person assessed notice of the assessment by
posting the notice in some conspicuous place in the vicinity of the
lot or parcel of land and publishing the notice of the assessment
for 3 weeks successively in any newspaper of general circulation in
the Town of Kennebunk.__The notice of assessment must inform the
person of the assessment, state the amount assessed against the
person's lot or parcel of land and specify the date by which the
assessment must be paid.__The trustees, upon written application
stating the grounds for the application, filed by the person
assessed within 6 months of the date of the assessment, may make
such reasonable abatement as the trustees think proper to correct
any illegality, error or irregularity in the assessment.__Any
person aggrieved by the decision of the trustees as it relates to
an abatement of the person's assessment has the right to appeal to
the Superior Court using the procedure prescribed in the Maine
Rules of Civil Procedure, Rule 80B.

The district may not construct any sewer extension unless it
first complies with the Maine Revised Statutes, Title 38, section
1252, subsections 7 and 9.

Sec. 2. P&SL 1955, c. 69, §18, as amended by P&SL 1961, c. 33, §2, is
further amended to read:

Sec. 18. Lien for payment of rates. There shall be a A lien is claimed
to secure the payment of rates established under section 17 and
assessments established under section 17-A of this act and
legally assessed on real estate within the district, which shall
take takes precedence of all other claims on such real estate,
excepting only claims for taxes.

The treasurer of the district shall have has the authority and
power to sue for and collect the rates, tolls, rents, impact
fees, assessments and charges, all of which shall be are
committed to him the treasurer. In addition to other methods
previously established by law for the collection of the rates,
tolls, rents, impact fees, assessments and charges, the lien
herein created in this section may be enforced in the following
manner; provided, however, that in as long as when making the
assessment commitment there shall be is a description of the real
estate served by the several sewers of the district, sufficiently
accurate to identify the real estate against which any of the
several rates, tolls, impact fees, assessments and charges may be
levied; the treasurer, when a rate, toll, impact fee, assessment
or charge has been committed to him the treasurer for collection,
may, after the expiration of 12 months and within 15 months after
date of commitment to him the treasurer, in the case of a person
resident in the town where the rate, toll or charge is assessed,
give to the person against whom the same is assessed, or leave at
his that person's last and usual place of abode, or send by
certified mail to his that person's last known address, a notice

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