LD 1917
pg. 1
LD 1917 Title Page An Act to Encourage Growth and Development in Cumberland County LD 1917 Title Page
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LR 2576
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:



This bill is a concept draft pursuant to Joint Rule 208.

This bill proposes to implement legislation to improve
Cumberland County in the following ways:

1. Improve the infrastructure;

2. Enhance existing businesses and encourage job growth by
providing a dollar-for-dollar reduction of a business' gross
income, for purposes of computing income taxes owed by a
business, for funds given by an employer to an employee to pay
for that employee to attend an accredited Maine school;

3. Encourage investment in Maine businesses by providing a
waiver of the capital gains tax to any person who invests a
capital gain within 12 months of the realization of that gain in
a business or corporation that is based or headquartered in

4. Attract and provide high-tech and high-wage jobs by
providing an appropriation of $400,000 per year to the Southern
Maine Technical College to create or expand technical education
programs in industries needing technically skilled workers. A
matching contribution of 25% would be sought from the private
sector in the form of cash, equipment, materials or scholarship
funds; and

5. Promote a stable economic environment through the review
of current rules and regulations and taxes and make any necessary

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