LD 1931
pg. 6
Page 5 of 7 An Act to Amend the Franchise Law Page 7 of 7
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LR 2820
Item 1

Sec. 6. 10 MRSA §1181, as enacted by PL 1975, c. 573, is amended to

§1181. Discounts and other inducements

In connection with a sale of a motor vehicle or vehicles to
the State or to any political subdivision thereof of the State,
no a manufacturer, distributor or, wholesaler shall or corporate
affiliate may not offer any discounts, refunds or any other
similar type of inducement to any dealer without making the same
offer or offers to all other of its dealers within the relevant
market area, and if such inducements are made, the manufacturer,
distributor or wholesaler shall give simultaneous notice thereof
of the inducements to all of its dealers within the relevant
market area.

Sec. 7. 10 MRSA §1183, as amended by PL 1997, c. 521, §29, is
further amended to read:

§1183. Statute of limitation

Actions arising out of any provision of this chapter shall
must be commenced within 4 years next after the cause of action
accrues; provided, however, except that if a person liable
hereunder under this section conceals the cause of action from
the knowledge of the person entitled to bring it, the period
prior to the discovery of his the cause of action by the person
so entitled shall must be excluded in determining the time
limited for commencement of the action. If a cause of action
accrues during the pendency of any civil, criminal or
administrative proceeding against a person brought by the United
States, or any of its agencies under the antitrust laws, the
Federal Trade Commission Act, or any other Federal Act, or the
laws of the State related to antitrust laws or to franchising,
such actions may be commenced within one year after the final
disposition of such civil, criminal or administrative proceeding.

Notwithstanding any provision in a franchise agreement, if a
dispute covered by this chapter or any other law is submitted to
mediation or arbitration, the time for the dealer to file a
complaint, action, petition or protest is tolled until the
mediation or arbitration proceeding is completed. The periods of
limitation set forth in this section may not be shortened.


This bill amends certain provisions of the law pertaining to
manufacturers, franchisees and other dealers to ensure fair

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