LD 1932
pg. 3
Page 2 of 22 An Act to Create the Beano and Games of Chance Commission Page 4 of 22
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LR 1888
Item 1

5.__Confirmation.__Appointees must be reviewed by the joint
standing committee of the Legislature having jurisdiction over
legal and veterans affairs and are subject to confirmation by the

6.__Chair.__The Governor shall appoint one of the commission
members who has no industry affiliation as chair.__The chair
serves at the pleasure of the Governor.

7.__Removal.__Except as provided in subsection 6, the Governor
may remove any member of the commission for just cause.__A member
who is subject to removal must be given a copy of the charges
against that member and must, upon request, be given an
opportunity to be heard upon 10 days' notice.

8.__Conflict of interest.__A commission member may not
participate in any matter before the commission in which that
member has a direct or indirect pecuniary interest or personal
bias or if any other conflict of interest is determined by the
commission to exist, either on its own motion or in response to a
written complaint.


Three of the members of the commission constitute a quorum to
do business.__The commission shall meet at least monthly and
shall keep a record of all proceedings of the commission and
preserve all books, maps, documents, papers and records entrusted
to its care.


The commission shall have an office in Augusta and may
maintain branch offices elsewhere.

Sec. 4. 17 MRSA §312, first ¶, as enacted by PL 1975, c. 307, §2, is
amended to read:

No A person, firm, association or corporation shall may not
hold, conduct or operate the amusement commonly known as "beano"
or "bingo" for the entertainment of the public within the State
unless a license therefor is obtained from the Chief of the State
Police commission. This chapter shall may not be construed to
apply to any other amusement or game.

Sec. 5. 17 MRSA §313, as enacted by PL 1975, c. 307, §2, is amended
to read:

§313. Application

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