LD 1932
pg. 6
Page 5 of 22 An Act to Create the Beano and Games of Chance Commission Page 7 of 22
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LR 1888
Item 1

operated and conducted therein by the management without profit and
solely for the entertainment of guests of the hotel registered
therein, and provided that charges, if any, to the guests for
participation in such entertainment shall be are limited to a
maximum of $2 in any 24-hour period. The fee for such license shall
be is $10 and shall must be paid to the Treasurer of State to be
credited to the General Fund. Hotel and liquor licenses of any
such resort hotel licensees shall may not be withheld because of
the conducting of such by the resort hotel of the game of "Beano"
or "Bingo."

Sec. 11. 17 MRSA §316, as enacted by PL 1975, c. 307, §2, is

Sec. 12. 17 MRSA §317, as amended by PL 1997, c. 684, §2, is
further amended to read:

§317. Rules and regulations

The Chief of the State Police commission has the power to
adopt rules, not inconsistent with law, which that are necessary
for the administration and enforcement of this chapter and for
the licensing, conduct and operation of the amusement commonly
known as "Beano" or "Bingo." The Chief of the State Police
commission has the power and authority to regulate, supervise and
exercise general control over the operation of such amusement,
including, but not limited to, the payment of prizes and the use
of equipment. Any rule adopted by the Chief of the State Police
commission concerning the value of prizes that may be awarded
must include a provision that no single prize may exceed $400 in
value and that no more than $1,400 in total prizes may be awarded
on any one occasion. In establishing such rules, the Chief of
the State Police must commission shall, in addition to the
standards set forth in other provisions of this chapter, use the
following standards setting forth conduct, conditions and
activity considered undesirable:

1. Fraud. The practice of any fraud or deception upon a
participant in a game of "beano" or "bingo;"

2. Unsafe premises. The conduct of "beano" in, at or upon
premises which that may be unsafe due to fire hazard or other
such conditions; and

3. Advertising; solicitation and enticement. Advertising
which that is obscene, solicitation on a public way of persons to
participate in "beano," charging admission or awarding prizes for

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