LD 1937
pg. 1
LD 1937 Title Page An Act to Allow the State to Obtain a Defendant's Medical Records in Cases Invo... Page 2 of 2
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LR 2177
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 16 MRSA §357, as amended by PL 1987, c. 791, §3, is further
amended to read:

§357. Hospital records and copies of records

Records kept by hospitals and other medical facilities
licensed under the laws of this State and records which that the
court finds are required to be kept by the laws of any other
state or territory, or the District of Columbia, or by the laws
and regulations of the United States of America pertaining to the
Department of National Defense and the Veterans Administration,
by hospitals and other medical facilities similarly conducted or
operated or which that, being incorporate, offer treatment free
of charge, shall be are admissible, as evidence in the courts of
this State so far as such those records relate to the treatment
and medical history of such cases and the court shall admit
copies of such those records, if certified by the persons in with
custody thereof of those records to be true and complete, but
nothing therein contained shall be in those records is admissible
as evidence which that has reference to the question of
liability. Copies of photographic or microphotographic records so
kept by hospitals and medical facilities, when duly certified by
the person in charge of the hospital and other medical facility,
shall must be admitted in evidence equally with the original
photographs or microphotographs.

Notwithstanding this section, the result of a laboratory or
any other test kept by a hospital or other medical facility,
which that reflects blood-alcohol concentration, shall must be
available to the State in a criminal proceeding through ordinary
discovery procedures despite any claim of confidentiality or
privilege, and may not be excluded as evidence in a criminal or
civil proceeding by reason of any claim of confidentiality or
privilege and may be admitted provided that if the result is
relevant and reliable evidence if the proceeding is one in which
the operator of a motor vehicle or watercraft is alleged to have
operated under the influence of intoxicating liquor or drugs, and
the court is satisfied that probable cause exists to believe that
the operator committed the offense charged. If a defendant
denies culpability for any charged crime involving operation of a
motor vehicle or watercraft while under the influence of
intoxicating liquor or drugs, and if the court is satisfied that
probable cause exists to believe that the operator committed the
offense charged, the defendant's medical records reflecting
medical treatment resulting from that operation of a motor
vehicle or watercraft must be available to the State through
ordinary discovery procedures and the defendant is deemed to have

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