LD 1940
pg. 3
Page 2 of 5 An Act to Create Standards of Eligibility Governing Certain Tax-exempt Organiza... Page 4 of 5
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LR 1475
Item 1

Sec. 5. 36 MRSA §652, sub-§1, śC, as amended by PL 1997, c. 442, §3, is
further amended by amending subparagraphs (2) and (4) to read:

(2) A director, trustee, officer or employee of an
organization claiming exemption is not entitled to
receive directly or indirectly any pecuniary profit
from the operation of that organization, excepting
reasonable compensation for services in effecting its
purposes or as a proper beneficiary of its strictly
benevolent or charitable purposes;.

For the purposes of this subparagraph, "reasonable
compensation" means compensation levels falling within
the salary ranges pertinent to the employment and
compensation classifications listed in a publication of
the Department of Labor that lists Maine occupational
wages.__With respect to benefits, the standard of
"reasonable compensation" is met if the aggregate value
of all benefits, perquisites, bonuses and other
employee incentives do not exceed 30% of the aggregate
salary provided to all compensated directors, trustees,
officers, employees and agents of the organization;

(4) The Between January 1st and April 1st of each
year, the institution, organization or corporation
claiming exemption under this subsection shall file
with the tax assessors upon their request and cause to
be published in a daily newspaper of general
circulation in the community a report for its preceding
fiscal year in such detail as the tax assessors may
reasonably require, including at a minimum: a
description of the actual charitable services provided
by that organization; a demonstration of how that
organization publicizes the availability of the
charitable services it provides; a breakdown of the
sources of the resources used by the organization to
provide the charitable services, including both private
contributions and federal, state and local revenues;
tax expenditures; and such accounting as may be
necessary to calculate the total value of unreimbursed
gifts to the community, the region and the State, as

Sec. 6. 36 MRSA §652, sub-§1, śL, as enacted by PL 1977, c. 487, is

Sec. 7. 36 MRSA §652, sub-§1, śM is enacted to read:

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