LD 1945
pg. 1
LD 1945 Title Page Resolve, Authorizing the Family of Adam Wilson to Sue the Town of Rockport ... LD 1945 Title Page
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LR 2534
Item 1

Sec. 1. Authorization to sue the Town of Rockport. Resolved: That,
notwithstanding any statute or common law to the contrary,
Theresa, Kenneth and Adam Wilson, or their legal representative,
who claim to have suffered damages arising from the June 10, 1995
accident on Route 73 in Thomaston, Maine, are authorized to bring
a civil action against the Town of Rockport, Maine.

This action may be brought in the Knox County Superior Court
within one year from the date this resolve is approved. The
action may be heard by a Justice of the Superior Court or by a
jury. The Maine Rules of Civil Procedure govern the conduct of
the action.

The municipal officers of the Town of Rockport shall pay any
judgment from funds of the town, including costs and interest,
upon final process issued by the Superior Court or, if
applicable, the Supreme Judicial Court. Recovery may not exceed
$500,000, including costs and interest; and be it further

Sec. 2. Waiver of statutory limitations. Resolved: That limitations on
damages pursuant to the Maine Revised Statutes, Title 14, section
8105, subsection 1 are waived.


This resolve authorizes Theresa, Kenneth and Adam Wilson, of
Warren, to sue the Town of Rockport for damages resulting from an
accident on Route 73 in Thomaston, Maine.

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