LD 1946
pg. 1
LD 1946 Title Page An Act to Provide for Safe and Orderly Schools LD 1946 Title Page
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LR 2738
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 20-A MRSA §255, sub-§6 is enacted to read:

6.__Student behavior.__The commissioner shall require that
school administrative units disclose violent or threatening
behavior by a student, either in school or outside the
institutional setting, to counseling personnel within the unit
and to any teacher to whose class the student has been assigned
for instruction or who provides education services to that
student.__The information must be provided prior to the student's
placement in or return to the educational setting.

A.__The juvenile justice system, local police departments
and mental health agencies shall disclose violent or
threatening behavior by the student to the superintendent or
the superintendent's designee.

Sec. 2. 20-A MRSA §5105 is enacted to read:

§5105.__Alternative placement

1.__Continuum of interventions.__If a student is chronically
disruptive, suspended or expelled, the superintendent shall
develop a continuum of interventions that provide a broad range
of programs and services including alternative educational
settings and alternative community placement.

2.__Intervention and placement teams.__If a student is
chronically disruptive, suspended or expelled, an intervention
and placement team must be convened to make decisions regarding
placement or intervention.__The team must consist of, at a
minimum, the parent or guardian, the building level administrator
and any teacher to whose class the student is assigned.


This bill seeks to provide for a safe and more orderly
environment for Maine's public school students by requiring that
school administrative units disclose violent or threatening
behavior by a student to counseling personnel within the unit and
classroom teachers and by requiring alternative educational
settings and community placement for students that are
chronically disruptive, suspended or expelled.

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