LD 1949
pg. 1
LD 1949 Title Page An Act to Require a Waiting Period After the Completion of Certain Forensic Eva... Page 2 of 2
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LR 2470
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 15 MRSA §101-B, sub-§1, as amended by PL 1989, c. 621, §1, is
further amended to read:

1. Court order; permissive. The District Court or the
Superior Court having jurisdiction in any criminal case for cause
shown may order the defendant examined to determine the
defendant's mental condition with reference to the issues of
competency, criminal responsibility, abnormal condition of mind
and any other issue involving the mental or emotional condition
of the defendant. The examination may be conducted by the State
Forensic Service or by a psychiatrist or licensed clinical
psychologist independent of the State Forensic Service. If
additional examinations are ordered, the court shall ensure that
at least one examination is conducted by the State Forensic
Service. The court in selecting an independent practitioner and
the site of any examination shall consider proximity to the
court, availability of an examiner or examiners and the necessity
for security precautions. No person may be presented for
examination under this subsection without arrangements for that
examination with the State Forensic Service or the independent
practitioner being first made by the court, clerk of courts or
sheriff. If the defendant is incarcerated, the examination is to
be completed within 90 days. The opinion of the examiner or
examiners relative to the competence, criminal responsibility,
abnormal condition of mind or any other mental or emotional
condition of the respondent must be reported without delay to the
court following examination, together with copies to counsel for
the respondent and counsel for the State. The trial for the
defendant may not be held within 60 days after the report is made
to the court unless this waiting period is waived by the

Sec. 2. 15 MRSA §101-B, sub-§7, as enacted by PL 1989, c. 621, §5, is
amended to read:

7. Examination after conviction. If the issue of criminal
responsibility, mental competence, abnormal condition of mind or
any other issue involving the mental or emotional condition of
the defendant is raised after conviction, the court may order the
convicted person to be examined by the State Forensic Service.
If at the time an examination order is entered by the court the
convicted person is in execution of any sentence imposed for any
criminal conduct, the time limits and bail provisions of this
section do not apply. If the defendant has not been sentenced,
the sentencing may not be held within 30 days after the report is
made to the court unless this waiting period is waived by the

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