LD 1951
pg. 3
Page 2 of 3 Resolve, to Establish the Task Force to Study the Funding of and to Develop an ... LD 1951 Title Page
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LR 1628
Item 1

1. Review the current process and funding mechanism for the
placement of youth with mental health issues into residential

2. Develop a proposal that requires the decision of whether
to place a youth with mental health issues into residential
treatment or a day program to be made at the state level, and
develop a proposal for a permanent commission or process that
would administer and oversee the placement and treatment of a
youth with mental health issues into a residential treatment or
day program; and

3. Develop a funding mechanism by which the State directly
pays the cost of a recommended residential treatment or day
program for a youth with mental health issues.

The task force shall submit a report of its findings to the
Joint Standing Committee on Education and Cultural Affairs along
with any implementing legislation by January 1, 2000.

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