LD 1960
pg. 2
Page 1 of 3 An Act to Change the Names of Divisions within the Bureau of Forestry to More A... Page 3 of 3
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LR 802
Item 1

this paragraph may also be held in the name of the Bureau of
General Services when the division participates in the
consolidation of facilities with other state agencies. Any
purchase of land or a structure pursuant to this paragraph
must be approved by the Director of the Bureau of General

Sec. A-4. 12 MRSA §8901, sub-§1, as repealed and replaced by PL 1987,
c. 769, Pt. A, §51, is amended to read:

1. Appointment. The Director of the Bureau of Forestry shall
appoint forest rangers, subject to the Civil Service Law and the
State Supervisor, Forest Fire Operations Division of Forest
Protection. Rangers assigned to posts at Clayton Lake, St.
Pamphile, Estcourt Station, Daaquam, Musquacook Lake, Snare Brook
and Baker Lake must be bilingual in French and English.

Sec. A-5. 16 MRSA §614, sub-§1, as amended by PL 1995, c. 135, §1, is
further amended by amending the first paragraph to read:

1. Limitation on dissemination of intelligence and
investigative information. Reports or records that contain
intelligence and investigative information and that are prepared
by, prepared at the direction of or kept in the custody of a
local, county or district criminal justice agency; the Bureau of
State Police; the Department of the Attorney General; the Maine
Drug Enforcement Agency; the Office of State Fire Marshal; the
Department of Corrections; the criminal law enforcement units of
the Department of Marine Resources or the Department of Inland
Fisheries and Wildlife; or the Department of Conservation, Forest
Fire Control Division Division of Forest Protection when the
reports or records pertain to arson are confidential and may not
be disseminated if there is a reasonable possibility that public
release or inspection of the reports or records would:


Sec. B-1. Department of Conservation; rename division. The following
division is renamed as follows: "Division of Forest Fire
Control" is renamed the "Division of Forest Protection."

Sec. B-2. Department of Conservation; rename division. The following
division is renamed as follows: "Division of Insect and Disease
Management" is renamed the "Division of Forest Health and

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