LD 1969
pg. 6
Page 5 of 11 An Act to Revise Certain Provisions of the Medical Examiner Act Page 7 of 11
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LR 2349
Item 1

Sec. 12. 22 MRSA §3026, as repealed and replaced by PL 1979, c. 538,
§6, is amended to read:

§3026. Reports of death

1. Persons suspecting medical examiner case. Any person who
has become becomes aware of a suspected medical examiner case
shall immediately notify a law enforcement officer, medical
examiner or the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner. As used in
this subsection, "person" has the meaning set out in section
3022, subsection 12.

2. Law enforcement officers suspecting medical examiner case.
Any law enforcement officer who has become becomes aware of a
suspected medical examiner case shall immediately notify a
medical examiner or the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner.

3. Medical examiners suspecting medical examiner case. Any
medical examiner who has become becomes aware of a death
involving violence caused by physical injury, or in which
violence physical injury is the suspected cause, shall
immediately notify the Office of Chief Medical Examiner and the
appropriate law enforement enforcement agency. The agency shall
notify the district attorney for the district in which the body
is located.

4. Cases involving or suspected of involving physical injury
attributable to criminal conduct. Any law enforcement officer or
medical examiner who has become becomes aware of a death
involving criminal violence physical injury attributable to
criminal conduct, or in which criminal violence physical injury
attributable to criminal conduct is suspected, other than by
motor vehicle vehicular manslaughter, in addition to complying
with the notification requirements in subsection 3, shall
immediately notify the Attorney General and the Chief Medical

Sec. 13. 22 MRSA §3027, as repealed and replaced by PL 1979, c.
538, §7, is amended to read:

§3027. Procedure at scene of death

1. Movement or alteration of body prohibited. Except as
otherwise provided in this section:

A. In any medical examiner case no a person shall may not
move or alter the body or any objects at the scene of death
prior to the arrival, or without the express authorization,
of the medical examiner or Office of the Chief Medical

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