LD 1969
pg. 9
Page 8 of 11 An Act to Revise Certain Provisions of the Medical Examiner Act Page 10 of 11
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LR 2349
Item 1

C. Remove the body in accordance with the instructions of the
medical examiner or the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner;

D. Make a report of the investigation available to the
medical examiner or the Office of the Chief Medical

Sec. 15. 22 MRSA §3028, sub-§§9 and 10, as enacted by PL 1979, c. 538,
§8, are amended to read:

9. Autopsy of child. In the case of a child under the age of
3 years, when death occurs without medical attendance or, if
attended, without a specific natural cause, the medical examiner
shall order an autopsy. The autopsy may be waived by the Chief
Medical Examiner, provided he the Chief Medical Examiner includes
the reason for the waiver in the record.

10. Chief Medical Examiner; jurisdiction. The Chief Medical
Examiner may assume jurisdiction over a medical examiner case,
and may recertify the death, when he the Chief Medical Examiner
finds that it is in the public interest for him to do so. He The
Chief Medical Examiner shall include his the reasons for so doing
in the record.

Sec. 16. 22 MRSA §3028-D is enacted to read:

§3028-D.__Disposal of identified dead bodies without connection

to this State and unidentified dead bodies

Whenever an identified dead body that is not a deceased
resident of this State, or an unidentified dead body, is the
subject of a medical examiner case and, notwithstanding
reasonable inquiry by the Chief Medical Examiner, no next of kin,
other person or governmental unit is willing to take
responsibility for disposition of the body, the Chief Medical
Examiner may assume responsibility for proper disposition.__Any
necessary expenses incurred by the Chief Medical Examiner must be
paid by the Department of Human Services.

Sec. 17. 22 MRSA §3029, sub-§§2 and 3, as enacted by PL 1979, c. 538,
§9, are amended to read:

2. Petition for order of exhumation. The district attorney
or Attorney General may, under the circumstances enumerated in
subsection 1, and if he the district attorney or Attorney General
finds it to be in the public interest, petition a Justice of the
Superior Court for an order of exhumation.

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