LD 1970
pg. 17
Page 16 of 17 An Act to Address the Solvency of the Unemployment Compensation Fund LD 1970 Title Page
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LR 3037
Item 1

2. Establishes an array system for determining employer
contributions to the Unemployment Compensation Fund;

3. Provides additional authority for the Director of
Unemployment Compensation to collect money owed to the
Unemployment Compensation Fund by employers. The bill allows the
director to levy against property possessed or debts owed by 3rd
parties to an employer who is delinquent in paying contributions,
interest or penalties due the fund. It also provides for
liability to be enforceable against officers, directors or
members who manage the employer's funds or are responsible for
making payments to the fund;

4. Bases the benefit for persons who begin receiving benefits
after January 1, 2000 on the average of the wages from the 2
highest quarters of the base period rather than the highest
quarter of the base period;

5. Changes the types of misconduct for which a person becomes
ineligible to receive unemployment compensation;

6. Changes the provisions related to overpayment of benefits
to allow a greater deduction from future benefits when the
claimant refuses to repay the amounts due, provides for interest
on overpayments and provides the method of applying amounts paid
to amounts due;

7. Provides for a penalty against benefits obtained through
false statements or failure to disclose information when the
statement or failure to disclose is knowingly made;

8. Allows the withholding of benefits for up to 14 days after
new information or new issues arise with respect to the
claimant's eligibility or benefit amount;

9. Allows the department to use the Special Administrative
Expense Fund to fund activities that improve the solvency of the
Unemployment Compensation Fund; and

10. Repeals outdated language.

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