LD 1970
pg. 2
Page 1 of 17 An Act to Address the Solvency of the Unemployment Compensation Fund Page 3 of 17
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LR 3037
Item 1

common knowledge;

C.__Repeated failure to exercise due care for punctuality or
attendance when warnings have been received from the

D.__Falsification of employment applications or other
written documents relating to obtaining or retaining

E.__Intoxication or the use of illegal drugs on the
employer's premises or when reporting to work;

F.__Frequent absences, sleeping on the employer's premises
or the inability to perform the employment due to
intoxication or the aftereffects of intoxication or illegal
drug use;

G.__Insubordination, disobedience or the refusal without
good cause to follow reasonable and proper instructions
given by the employer;

H.__Abusive language, assault on another employee or

I.__Intentional or negligent destruction of the employer's

J.__Dishonesty, falsification of time records or work
records or theft of the employer's property;

K.__Untruthfulness related to the job that could
substantially injure or jeopardize the employer's interests;

L.__Conduct substantially endangering the safety of the
employee, coworkers, customers or bystanders; and

M.__Conviction of a crime in connection with the employment
or absence from work for more than 2 workdays due to
incarceration for conviction of a crime.

"Misconduct" does not include: failure to perform employment
duties satisfactorily if the employee made a good faith effort to
perform the duties; absenteeism caused by the illness of the
employee or an immediate family member if the employee notified
the employer of the reason for the absence and complied with the
employer's notification rules and policies; or actions taken by
the employee that were necessary to protect the employee or an
immediate family member from domestic violence if the employee
made all reasonable efforts to preserve the employment.

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