LD 1976
pg. 2
Page 1 of 4 An Act to Amend the Funding Formula Components that Determine the State and Loc... Page 3 of 4
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LR 20
Item 1

operating costs allocation.__The statewide millage for the
operating costs allocation is established by increasing the
original mill indices to the level required to offset the
underfunded state share as well as the local share.__If, for
any fiscal year, the total amount appropriated for the State's
share of the program cost allocation is less than 60% of the
total program cost allocation, the local share of the program
cost allocation must be increased to the level required to
maintain the total program cost allocation by increasing the
program millage indices to the level required to offset the
underfunded state share of program costs as well as the local
share, thus maintaining the total program cost allocation.__
The debt service millage limit remains as originally
calculated under section 15611, subsection 1, paragraph A.__
The resulting millage indices are used to calculate the local
share of the total allocation and the level of state subsidy.

Sec. 5. 20-A MRSA §15603, sub-§27, as amended by PL 1993, c. 410, Pt.
F, §16, is further amended to read:

27. Subsidy indices. "Subsidy indices" means the equivalent
of mill rates that, when applied to the fiscal capacity of all
municipalities, would raise not more than 45% of the total
allocation and would establish represent the operating cost
millage, the program millage limit and the debt service millage

These indices may not be levied, but must be used for the purpose
of computing allocations.

Sec. 6. 20-A MRSA §15605, sub-§2, ¶D, as amended by PL 1989, c. 466,
§4, is further amended to read:

D. The requested funding levels for debt service under
section 15604, subsection 1, paragraph G, shall be are as

(1) The known obligations and estimates of anticipated
principal and interest costs for the year of

(2) The expenditures for the insured value factor for the
base year;

(3) The level of leases, including leases under which the
school administrative unit may apply the lease payments
to the purchase of portable, temporary classroom space
beginning January 1, 1988, approved by the commissioner
for the year prior to the year of allocation;

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