LD 1981
pg. 1
LD 1981 Title Page An Act to Revise the Accountancy Laws Page 2 of 9
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LR 1479
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 32 MRSA §12201, sub-§3-A is enacted to read:

3-A.__Defined service.__For purposes of section 12275,
subsections 12 and 13, "defined service" means providing the
following services:

A.__Any audit or other engagement to be performed in
accordance with the Statements on Auditing Standards, SAS;

B.__Any review of a financial statement or compilation of a
financial statement to be performed in accordance with the
Statement on Standards for Accounting and Review Services,

C.__Any examination of prospective financial information to
be performed in accordance with the Statement on Standards
for Attestation Engagements, SSAE.

The statements on standards specified in this definition are
those developed for general application by recognized national
accountancy organizations.

Sec. 2. 32 MRSA §12201, sub-§12 is enacted to read:

12.__Substantial equivalency.__"Substantial equivalency" is a
determination by the board that the education, examination and
experience requirements for certified public accountants
contained in the statutes and administrative rules of another
jurisdiction are comparable to or exceed the education,
examination and experience requirements of the board or that an
individual certified public accountant's education, examination
and experience qualifications are comparable to or exceed the
education, examination and experience requirements of the board.

Sec. 3. 32 MRSA §12213, as amended by PL 1993, c. 600, Pt. A, §264,
is further amended to read:

§12213. Appointment

The Board of Accountancy, as established by Title 5, section
12004-A, subsection 1, within the Department of Professional and
Financial Regulation consists of 5 6 members appointed by the
Governor. Each member of the board must be a citizen of the
United States and a resident of this State. Three Four members
must be holders of certificates issued under section 12227 this
chapter and of currently valid permits issued under section 12251
this chapter and must have had, as their principal occupation,
active practice as certified public accountants certificate
holders for at least the 5 preceding years. At least 3 of these
4 members must be holders of certificates issued under section

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