LD 1981
pg. 6
Page 5 of 9 An Act to Revise the Accountancy Laws Page 7 of 9
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LR 1479
Item 1

the practice of public accountancy only in a firm that holds a
permit issued under section 12252; and

B.__Consents, as a condition of the granting of this

(1)__To the jurisdiction of the board;

(2)__To comply with this chapter and the board's rules;

(3)__To the appointment of the state board that issued
the applicant's certificate as the applicant's agent
upon whom process may be served in any action or
proceeding by this board against the applicant.

Sec. 11. 32 MRSA §12251, sub-§5, as amended by PL 1989, c. 483, Pt. A,
§54, is further amended to read:

5. Renewal. An applicant for renewal of a permit under this
section shall show that requirements of continuing professional
education consisting of not less than 12 20 hours in each one-
year period and not less than 72 120 hours in any 3-year period
have been fulfilled. The board shall establish by rule the
number of hours of continuing professional education required in
each one-year period and 3-year period and shall not require more
than 120 hours in each 3-year period. That education shall must
consist of the general kinds and in such subjects as shall have
been that are specified by the board by rule. The board may
provide by rule that fulfillment of continuing professional
education requirements of other states will be accepted in lieu
of the foregoing requirements of this subsection. The board may
also provide by rule for prorated continuing professional
education requirements to be met by applicants whose initial
permits were issued less than one year prior to the renewal date.
The board may prescribe by rule special lesser continuing
education requirements to be met by applicants for permit renewal
whose prior permits lapsed prior to their applications for
renewal. The board, in its discretion, may renew a permit to
practice despite failure to furnish evidence of satisfaction of
requirements of continuing professional education only upon
condition that the applicant follow a particular program or
schedule of continuing professional education. In issuing rules
and individual orders in respect of requirements of continuing
professional education, the board in its discretion may use and
rely, among other things, upon guidelines and pronouncements of
recognized educational and professional organizations; may
prescribe for content, duration and organization of courses; may
take into account any impediments to interstate practice of
public accountancy which that may result from differences in
those requirements in other states; and may provide for
relaxation or suspension of those requirements in regard to

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