LD 1982
pg. 1
LD 1982 Title Page An Act to Establish a Lobster Trap Tag Freeze to Limit Effort in the Lobster Fi... Page 2 of 2
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LR 3047
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 12 MRSA §§6431-F is enacted to read:

§6431-F. Trap tag freeze

1. Trap tag limits.__The commissioner may not issue a number
of lobster trap tags each year to a Class I, Class II or Class
III lobster and crab fishing license holder that is greater than
the number of trap tags the license holder had purchased as of
November 20, 1998 for the 1998 license year.

2. Exception.__Subsection 1 does not apply to trap tags issued
to a license holder who is issued a Class I, Class II or Class
III lobster and crab fishing license for the first time after
meeting the requirements of the apprentice program under section

3. Trap tag appeals.__A lobster and crab fishing license
holder who is denied trap tags under subsection 1 may appeal that
denial.__The appeals process is as follows.

A. The Trap Tags Appeals Board is established to review
appeals under this subsection. The board consists of 3
voting members appointed by the commissioner with the advice
of the Lobster Advisory Council. The commissioner shall
appoint the following members:

(1) Two standing members, one of whom holds a lobster
and crab fishing license and one of whom is a member of
the general public and does not hold a lobster and crab
fishing license; and

(2) An ad hoc member appointed for each appeal, who
holds a lobster and crab fishing license and who fishes
in the same lobster management zone as the person who
has appealed the trap tag denial.

The board shall make a recommendation to the commissioner
for the approval or denial of an appeal.__The commissioner
shall render the final decision on any appeal.

B. Trap tag purchases may only be approved on appeal if the
following criteria are met:

(1) The person documents a medical reason for not
purchasing trap tags in 1998 or the person documents
service in the United States Armed Forces that
precluded participation in the lobster fishery and the
purchase of trap tags in 1998; and

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