LD 2215
pg. 3
Page 2 of 3 An Act to Implement the Recommendations of the Commission on Eating Disorders ... LD 2215 Title Page
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LR 3114
Item 1

Department of Human Services shall prepare and submit a report to
the Joint Standing Committee on Health and Human Services by
February 1, 2000, including recommendations for laws to regulate
entities engaged in the business of selling products or services
promoting weight loss, including weight loss products such as
diuretics and laxatives and programs that have as a goal weight
loss or maintenance of weight loss.

Sec. 3. Appropriation. The following funds are appropriated from the
General Fund to carry out the purposes of this Act.



Office of Eating Disorders

Positions - Legislative Count (1.000) (1.000)

Personal Services$31,893$44,177

All Other12,7509,250

Provides funding for a Director
of the Office of Eating
Disorders and related operating




This bill includes General Fund appropriations of $44,643 and
$53,427 in fiscal years 1999-00 and 2000-01, respectively, for
the Department of Human Services to establish the Office of
Eating Disorders.


This bill contains provisions to implement the recommendations
of the Commission on Eating Disorders. It includes establishing
an Office of Eating Disorders in the Department of Human
Services, establishing an Eating Disorders Advisory Board and
requiring a report from the Office of Eating Disorders by
February 1, 2000 to the Joint Standing Committee on Health and
Human Services on laws to regulate businesses that sell products
or services promoting weight loss. This bill contains an
appropriation for one position within the Office of Eating
Disorders of $44,643 and $53,427 for fiscal years 1999-00 and
2000-01 for the Department of Human Services.

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