LD 2219
pg. 3
Page 2 of 4 An Act Relating to the Kennebec Regional Development Authority Page 4 of 4
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LR 3080
Item 1

In those instances where a vote is taken at a town or plantation
meeting or through an election, the municipal clerk shall reduce
the subject matter of this Act to the following question that must
appear, in the case of an election, on the ballot and, in the case
of a town or plantation meeting, on the warrant:

"Do you favor approving the Act creating the Kennebec
Regional Development Authority passed by the 118th
Legislature, and (insert name of city, town or plantation)
becoming a participating member of that authority?"

In the case of written ballots, the voters must indicate by a
cross or a check mark placed against the words "Yes" or "No"
their opinion of the same.__In the case of a vote taken at a
meeting of a city, town or plantation council meeting, the same
question must be presented to the members of the council for
their vote.

This Act takes effect immediately upon acceptance by the
cities, towns and plantations so voting approval and having a
combined state valuation of at least $3,000,000,000.__The result
of the votes taken in each city, town or plantation must be
declared by the respective municipal officers and due
certification thereof must be filed by the city, town or
plantation clerk with the Secretary of State.


This bill contains the following 3 clarifications to the
private and special law that was enacted by the 118th Maine
Legislature in 1997 creating the Kennebec Regional Development

1. The bill clarifies that the communities that are presently
part of the Kennebec Valley Economic Development District are
eligible to become participating members of the Kennebec Regional
Development Authority.

2. The bill adds a specific statement to the law that would
be placed on any bond, note or other obligation issued by the
authority, that those bonds, notes and other obligations do not
constitute a debt or liability of the State or any participating
city, town or plantation and do not constitute a pledge of the
faith and credit of the State or any participating city, town or
plantation. The bill also adds a provision that authorizes the
authority to issue bonds, notes or other obligations to the
Finance Authority of Maine.

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