LD 2223
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Item 1

Sec. 4. 38 MRSA §2302, sub-§4 is enacted to read:

4.__State facilities.__The Commissioner of Administrative and
Financial Services, in consultation with the commissioner, shall
lead the development of a pollution prevention system for state
facilities by January 1, 2005 focusing on compliance with all
relevant environmental regulatory and statutory requirements,
improved environmental performance, reduction of toxics use and
pollution prevention opportunities.

Sec. 5. 38 MRSA §2303, as amended by PL 1991, c. 520, §§11 and 12,
is further amended to read:

§2303. Toxics use, toxics release and hazardous waste reduction


The State's goals for reduction of the volume of toxics used
and released and hazardous waste that is generated within the
State are as follows.

1. Toxics use reduction goals. Using the amount of toxics
used statewide in 1990 as a baseline figure, the statewide goals
for toxics use reduction are a 10% 40% reduction in the amount of
toxic substances used in the State by January 1, 1994 2002, a 20%
50% reduction by January 1, 1996 2004 and a 30% 60% reduction by
January 1, 1998 2006.

2. Toxics release reduction goals. Using an average of the
aggregate amounts of toxics released at a facility statewide in
calendar years 1990 and 1991 as a baseline figure, the goals for
reducing the aggregate amount of toxics released to the
environment at the facility statewide are a 10% 40% reduction by
January 1, 1994 2002, a 20% 50% reduction by January 1, 1996 2004
and a 30% 60% reduction by January 1, 1998 2006. Until a base
year and measurement techniques are established, there are no
specific goals for worker exposure to toxics releases, but owners
or operators of those facilities regulated by this chapter must
examine means to reduce exposure. For purposes of this
subsection, toxics refers to substances listed pursuant to the
SARA, Title III, Section 313. To assist facilities in complying
with this subsection, the Commissioner of Environmental
Protection shall develop a methodology to measure reductions for
toxics releases. This methodology may be based on reports filed
with the Maine Emergency Management Agency pursuant to the SARA,
Title III, Section 313, and other available data.

3. Hazardous waste generation minimization goals. The goals
for minimizing the amount of hazardous waste generated at a
facility statewide are a 10% 40% reduction by January l, 1994

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