LD 2223
pg. 5
Page 4 of 18 An Act to Encourage Continuous Improvement in Pollution Prevention in Maine ... Page 6 of 18
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LR 3120
Item 1

E.__Retail and wholesale distribution facilities of motor
fuel, aviation fuel, heating oil or other refined petroleum

F.__Agricultural activities;

G.__Commercial hazardous waste treatment or storage

H.__For purposes of the planning, reporting and fee
requirements relating to hazardous waste generation only,
pilot plants or pilot production units;

I.__Hazardous waste transporters;

J.__Hazardous waste generated as a result of remedial or
corrective actions or facility closures required by law or
undertaken to protect employee health and safety, public
health and safety or the environment;


L.__Zinc emissions from tire burning; and

M.__Sulfuric acid emissions from burning fuel that is
approved by the department.

Sec. 8. 38 MRSA §2305, as amended by PL 1991, c. 520, §14, is
further amended to read:

§2305. Pollution prevention plans

Those Owners or operators of facilities subject to regulation
under the requirements of this chapter shall develop by January
1, 1993 2000 and update at least every 2 years thereafter
pollution prevention plans for their own use in meeting the
State's goals. The board may establish rules for toxics use,
toxics release and hazardous waste reduction plans to be prepared
pursuant to this section. A plan must include:

1. Management policy. A statement of facility-wide
management policy regarding toxics use, toxics release and
hazardous waste reduction;

2. Production unit analysis. The following information for
each production unit:

A. Identification and, characterization and accounting of
the types and amounts of all toxics used, toxics released
and hazardous wastes generated at the facility;

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