LD 2224
pg. 4
Page 3 of 4 An Act to Clarify the Definitions of "Contribution" and "Expenditure" under the... LD 2224 Title Page
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LR 3125
Item 1

(12)__The use of offices, telephones, computers and
similar equipment when that use does not result in
additional cost to the provider.


This bill clarifies what the definition of "contribution" does
not include for the purposes of the law regarding campaign
reports and finances. This bill also clarifies what the
definition of "expenditure" does not include for the purposes of
the law regarding campaign reports and finances. Under the bill
neither contributions nor expenditures includes documents created
or maintained by a political party for the general purposes of
party building, certain compensation paid by a political party to
an employee, campaign training sessions provided to 3 or more
candidates or the use of office equipment that involves no
additional cost to the provider.

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