LD 2232
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Page 2 of 3 An Act to Allow the Cumberland County Domestic Violence Unit to Hire 2 New Assi... LD 2232 Title Page
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LR 3144
Item 1

This bill replaces Other Special Revenue funds allocations
included in Private and Special Law 1999, chapter 10, a non-
emergency act, with new Other Special Revenue funds allocations
that become effective June 1, 1999. Deallocations totaling $98,210
in fiscal year 1999-00 and $106,526 in fiscal year 2000-01, equal
to the amounts allocated in Private and Special Law 1999, chapter
10, are included to offset the original allocations. New
allocations provide authorization for two Assistant District
Attorney positions and related expenses effective June 1, 1999.
The total allocations are $9,714, $101,035 and $106,526 in fiscal
years 1998-99, 1999-00 and 2000-01, respectively.

The net effect of this bill will be a net increase of Other
Special Revenue funds allocations of $9,714 in fiscal year 1998-
99 and $2,825 in fiscal year 1999-00. The allocations also
represent an equal net increase of dedicated revenue to the
Department of the Attorney General.

The Judicial Department will experience an increase in
workload and administrative costs associated with the additional
cases filed in the court system as a result of the addition of
these 2 Assistant District Attorney positions. These costs can
be absorbed within the existing budgeted resources of the
Judicial Department.


In Private and Special Law 1999, chapter 10, An Act to
Strengthen the Criminal Justice Response to Domestic Violence,
the First Regular Session of the 119th Legislature approved the
allocation of funds to the Cumberland County District Attorney's
office to hire 2 assistant district attorneys to staff a domestic
violence unit. The funding is a result of a federal grant that
becomes available June 1, 1999. However, since Private and
Special Law 1999, chapter 10 is not emergency legislation, it
will not take effect until 90 days after adjournment of the First
Regular Session of the 119th Legislature.

This bill deallocates the funds allocated in Private and
Special Law 1999, chapter 10, instead providing for an
allocation, including an allocation for funds beginning June 1,
1999, that takes effect June 1, 1999, the day the federal grant
funds become available.

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