LD 2239
pg. 7
Page 6 of 11 An Act to Ensure Civil Rights and Prevent Discrimination Page 8 of 11
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LR 204
Item 1

knows or has reason to know that the person having the right to
sell or lease the housing accommodation has made a practice of
discrimination since July 1, 1972;

For any person to whom application is made for a loan or other
form of financial assistance for the acquisition, construction,
rehabilitation, repair or maintenance of any housing
accommodation, whether secured or unsecured, or agent of the
person, to make or cause to be made any oral or written inquiry
concerning the race or color, sex, sexual orientation, physical
or mental disability, religion, ancestry, national origin or
familial status of any individual seeking financial assistance,
or of existing or prospective occupants or tenants of housing
accommodations; or to discriminate in the granting of financial
assistance, or in the terms, conditions or privileges relating to
the obtaining or use of any financial assistance, against any
applicant because of the race or color, sex, sexual orientation,
physical or mental disability, religion, ancestry, national
origin or familial status of the applicant or of the existing or
prospective occupants or tenants;

Sec. 12. 5 MRSA §4583, as amended by PL 1991, c. 99, §19, is
further amended to read:

§4583. Application

Nothing in this Act may be construed to prohibit or limit the
exercise of the privilege of every person and the agent of any
person having the right to sell, rent, lease or manage a housing
accommodation to set up and enforce specifications in the
selling, renting, leasing or letting or in the furnishings of
facilities or services in connection with the facilities which
that are not based on the race, color, sex, sexual orientation,
physical or mental disability, religion, country of ancestral
origin, familial status or the receipt of public assistance
payments of any prospective or actual purchaser, lessee, tenant
or occupant. Nothing in this Act may be construed to prohibit
or limit the exercise of the privilege of every person and the
agent of any person making loans for or offering financial
assistance in the acquisition, construction, rehabilitation,
repair or maintenance of housing accommodations, to set standards
and preferences, terms, conditions, limitations or specifications
for the granting of loans or financial assistance which that are
not based on the race, color, sex, sexual orientation, physical
or mental disability, religion, country of ancestral origin,
familial status or the receipt of public assistance payments of
the applicant for a loan or financial assistance or, of any
existing or prospective owner, lessee, tenant or occupant of
housing accommodation.

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