LD 2245
pg. 109
Page 108 of 493 An Act to Adopt the Model Revised Article 9 Secured Transactions Page 110 of 493
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LR 1087
Item 1

chattel paper, investment property, or a letter-of-credit right.
The duty to terminate the secured party's control is analogous to
the duty to file a termination statement, imposed by Section 9-
513 [Maine cite section 9-1513]. Under subsection (a) [Maine
cite subsection (1)], it applies only when there is no
outstanding secured obligation and the secured party is not
committed to give value. The requirements of this section can be
varied by agreement under Section 1-102(3). For example, a
debtor could by contract agree that the secured party may release
its control of investment property under subsection (a)(1) [Maine
cite subsection (1), paragraph (a)] more than three days
following demand. Also, duties under this section should not be
read to conflict with the terms of the collateral itself. For
example, if the collateral is a time deposit account, subsection
(b)(3) [Maine cite subsection (2), paragraph (c)] should not
require a secured party with control to make an early withdrawal
of the funds (assuming that were possible) in order to pay them
over to the debtor or put them in an account in the debtor's

3. Remedy for Failure to Relinquish Control. If a secured
party fails to comply with the requirements of subsection (b)
[Maine cite subsection (2)], the debtor has the remedy set forth
in Section 9-625(e) [Maine cite section 9-1625, subsection (5)].
This remedy is identical to that applicable to failure to provide
or file a termination statement under Section 9-513 [Maine cite
section 9-1513].

4. Duty to Relinquish Possession. Although Section 9-207
[Maine cite section 9-1207] addresses directly the duties of a
secured party in possession of collateral, that section does not
require the secured party to relinquish possession when the
secured party ceases to hold a security interest. Under common
law, absent agreement to the contrary, the failure to relinquish
possession of collateral upon satisfaction of the secured
obligation would constitute a conversion. Inasmuch as problems
apparently have not surfaced in the absence of statutory duties
under former Article 9 and the common-law duty appears to have
been sufficient, this Article does not impose a statutory duty to
relinquish possession.

§9-1209.__Duties of secured party if account debtor has been

notified of assignment

(1)__Except as otherwise provided in subsection (3), this
section applies if:

(a)__There is no outstanding secured obligation; and

(b)__The secured party is not committed to make advances,
incur obligations or otherwise give value.

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