LD 2245
pg. 12
Page 11 of 493 An Act to Adopt the Model Revised Article 9 Secured Transactions Page 13 of 493
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LR 1087
Item 1

used in the production of crops. Because no consensus emerged on
the wisdom of these provisions during the drafting process, the
sponsors make no recommendation on whether these model provisions
should be enacted.

f. Proceeds. Section 9-102 [Maine cite section 9-1102]
contains an expanded definition of "proceeds" of collateral
which includes additional rights and property that arise out
of collateral, such as distributions on account of
collateral and claims arising out of the loss or
nonconformity of, defects in, or damage to collateral. The
term also includes collections on account of "supporting
obligations," such as guarantees.

g. Part 4: Additional Provisions Relating to Third-Party
Rights. New Part 4 contains several provisions relating to
the relationships between certain third parties and the
parties to secured transactions. It contains new Sections
9-401 [Maine cite section 9-1401] (replacing former Section
9-311) (alienability of debtor's rights), 9-402 [Maine cite
section 9-1402] (replacing former Section 9-317) (secured
party not obligated on debtor's contracts), 9-403 [Maine
cite section 9-1403] (replacing former Section 9-206)
(agreement not to assert defenses against assignee), 9-404,
9-405, and 9-406 [Maine cite sections 9-1404, 9-1405 and 9-
1406] (replacing former Section 9-318) (rights acquired by
assignee, modification of assigned contract, discharge of
account debtor, restrictions on assignment of account,
chattel paper, promissory note, or payment intangible
ineffective), 9-407 [Maine cite section 9-1407] (replacing
some provisions of former Section 2A-303) (restrictions on
creation or enforcement of security interest in leasehold
interest or lessor's residual interest ineffective). It
also contains new Sections 9-408 [Maine cite section 9-1408]
(restrictions on assignment of promissory notes, health-
care-insurance receivables ineffective, and certain general
intangibles ineffective) and 9-409 [Maine cite section 9-
1409] (restrictions on assignment of letter-of-credit rights
ineffective), which are discussed above.

h. Filing. Part 5 (formerly Part 4) of Article 9 [Maine
cite Article 9-A] has been substantially rewritten to
simplify the statutory text and to deal with numerous
problems of interpretation and implementation that have
arisen over the years.

Medium-neutrality. This Article is "medium-neutral"; that is,
it makes clear that parties may file and otherwise

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