LD 2245
pg. 137
Page 136 of 493 An Act to Adopt the Model Revised Article 9 Secured Transactions Page 138 of 493
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LR 1087
Item 1

specifies the location of a debtor that is a registered
organization organized under the law of the United States. It
defers to law of the United States, to the extent that that law
determines, or authorizes the debtor to determine, the debtor's
location. Thus, if the law of the United States designates a
particular State as the debtor's location, that State is the
debtor's location for purposes of this Article's choice-of-law
rules. Similarly, if the law of the United States authorizes the
registered organization to designate its State of location, the
State that the registered organization designates is the State in
which it is located for purposes of this Article's choice-of-law
rules. In other cases, the debtor is located in the District of

Subsection (f) [Maine cite subsection (6)] also determines the
location of branches and agencies of banks that are not organized
under the law of the United States or a State. However, if all
the branches and agencies of the bank are licensed only in one
State, then they are located in that State. See subsection (i)
[Maine cite subsection (9)].

6. United States. To the extent that Article 9 [Maine cite
Article 9-A] governs (see Sections 1-105, 9-109(c) [Maine cite
section 9-1109, subsection (3)]), the United States is located in
the District of Columbia for purposes of this Article's choice-
of-law rules. See subsection (h) [Maine cite subsection (8)].

7. Foreign Air Carriers. Subsection (j) [Maine cite
subsection (10)] follows former Section 9-103(3)(d). To the
extent that it is applicable, the Convention on the International
Recognition of Rights in Aircraft (Geneva Convention) supersedes
state legislation on this subject, as set forth in Section 9-
311(b) [Maine cite section 9-1311, subsection (2)], but some
nations are not parties to that Convention.



§9-1308.__When security interest or agricultural lien is

perfected; continuity of perfection

(1)__Except as otherwise provided in this section and section
9-1309, a security interest is perfected if it has attached and
all of the applicable requirements for perfection in sections 9-
1310 to 9-1316 have been satisfied.__A security interest is
perfected when it attaches if the applicable requirements are
satisfied before the security interest attaches.

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