LD 2245
pg. 300
Page 299 of 493 An Act to Adopt the Model Revised Article 9 Secured Transactions Page 301 of 493
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LR 1087
Item 1

8. Effect Outside of Bankruptcy. The principal effects of
this section will take place outside of bankruptcy. Compared to
the relatively few debtors that enter bankruptcy, there are many
more that do not. By making available previously unavailable
property as collateral, this section should enable debtors to
obtain additional credit. For purposes of determining whether to
extend credit, under some circumstances a secured party may
ascribe value to the collateral to which its security interest
has attached, even if this section precludes the secured party
from enforcing the security interest without the agreement of the
account debtor or person obligated on the promissory note. This
may be the case where the secured party sees a likelihood of
obtaining that agreement in the future. This may also be the
case where the secured party anticipates that the collateral will
give rise to a type of proceeds as to which this section would
not apply.

Example 5: Under the facts of Example 4, the debtor does not
enter bankruptcy. Perhaps in exchange for a fee, the
municipality agrees that the debtor may transfer the franchise to
a buyer. As consideration for the transfer, the debtor receives
from the buyer its check for part of the purchase price and its
promissory note for the balance. The security interest attaches
to the check and promissory note as proceeds. See Section 9-
315(a)(2) [Maine cite section 9-1315, subsection (1), paragraph
(b)]. This section does not apply to the security interest in
the check, which is not a promissory note, health-care-insurance
receivable, or general intangible. Nor does it apply to the
security interest in the promissory note, inasmuch as it was not
sold to the secured party.

9. Contrary Federal Law. This section does not override
federal law to the contrary. However, it does reflect an
important policy judgment that should provide a template for
future federal law reforms.

§9-1409.__Restrictions on assignment of letter-of-credit rights


(1)__A term in a letter of credit or a rule of law, statute,
regulation, custom or practice applicable to the letter of credit
that prohibits, restricts or requires the consent of an
applicant, issuer or nominated person to a beneficiary's
assignment of or creation of a security interest in a letter-of-
credit right is ineffective to the extent that the term or rule
of law, statute, regulation, custom or practice:

(a)__Would impair the creation, attachment or perfection of
a security interest in the letter-of-credit right; or

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