LD 2245
pg. 312
Page 311 of 493 An Act to Adopt the Model Revised Article 9 Secured Transactions Page 313 of 493
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LR 1087
Item 1

Example: Debtor creates a security interest in favor of Bank
X, Bank Y, and Bank Z, but not to their representative, the
collateral agent (Bank A). The collateral agent is not itself a
secured party. See Section 9-102 [Maine cite section 9-1102].
Under Sections 9-502(a) [Maine cite section 9-1502, subsection
(1)] and 9-503(d)[Maine cite section 9-1503, subsection (4)],
however, a financing statement is effective if it names as
secured party Bank A and not the actual secured parties, even if
it omits Bank A's representative capacity.

Each person whose name is provided in an initial financing
statement as the name of the secured party or representative of
the secured party is a secured party of record. See Section 9-
511 [Maine cite section 9-1511].

4. Multiple Names. Subsection (e) [Maine cite subsection
(5)] makes explicit what is implicit under former Article 9: a
financing statement may provide the name of more than one debtor
and secured party. See Section 1-102(5)(a) (words in the
singular include the plural). With respect to records relating
to more than one debtor, see Section 9-520(d) [Maine cite section
9-1520, subsection (4)]. With respect to financing statements
providing the name of more than one secured party, see Sections
9-509(e) [Maine cite section 9-1509, subsection (5)] and 9-510(b)
[Maine cite section 9-1510, subsection (2)].

§9-1504.__Indication of collateral

A financing statement sufficiently indicates the collateral
that it covers only if the financing statement provides:

(1)__A description of the collateral pursuant to section 9-
1108; or

(2)__An indication that the financing statement covers all
assets or all personal property.

Official Comment

1. Source. Former Section 9-402(1).

2. Indication of Collateral. To comply with Section 9-502(a)
[Maine cite section 9-1502, subsection (1)], a financing
statement must "indicate" the collateral it covers. This section
explains what suffices for an indication.

Paragraph (1) [Maine cite paragraph (a)] provides that a
"description" of the collateral (as the term is explained in
Section 9-108 [Maine cite section 9-1108]) suffices as an

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