LD 2245
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Page 317 of 493 An Act to Adopt the Model Revised Article 9 Secured Transactions Page 319 of 493
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Item 1

result in loss of perfection for other reasons. See Section 9-
316 [Maine cite section 9-1316].

Example: Dee Corp. is an Illinois corporation. It creates a
security interest in its equipment in favor of Secured Party.
Secured Party files a proper financing statement in Illinois.
Dee Corp. sells an item of equipment to Bee Corp., a Pennsylvania
corporation, subject to the security interest. The security
interest continues, see Section 9-315(a) [Maine cite section 9-
1315, subsection (1)], and remains perfected, see Section 9-
507(a) [Maine cite section 9-1507, subsection (1)],
notwithstanding that the financing statement is filed under "D"
(for Dee Corp.) and not under "B." However, because Bee Corp. is
located in Pennsylvania and not Illinois, see Section 9-307
[Maine cite section 9-1307], unless Secured Party perfects under
Pennsylvania law within one year after the transfer, its security
interest will become unperfected and will be deemed to have been
unperfected against purchasers of the collateral. See Section 9-
316 [Maine cite section 9-1316].

4. Other Post-Filing Changes. Subsection (b) [Maine cite
subsection (2)] provides that, as a general matter, post-filing
changes that render a financing statement inaccurate and
seriously misleading have no effect on a financing statement.
The financing statement remains effective. It is subject to two
exceptions: Section 9-508 [Maine cite section 9-1508] and
Section 9-507(c) [Maine cite section 9-1507, subsection (3)].
Section 9-508 [Maine cite section 9-1508] addresses the
effectiveness of a financing statement filed against an original
debtor when a new debtor becomes bound by the original debtor's
security agreement. It is discussed in the Comments to that
section. Section 9-507(c) [Maine cite section 9-1507, subsection
3] addresses a "pure" change of the debtor's name, i.e., a change
that does not implicate a new debtor. It clarifies former
Section 9-402(7). If a name change renders a filed financing
statement seriously misleading, the financing statement is not
effective as to collateral acquired more than four months after
the change, unless before the expiration of the four months an
amendment is filed that specifies the debtor's new correct name
(or provides an incorrect name that renders the financing
statement not seriously misleading under Section 9-506 [Maine
cite section 9-1506]). As under former Section 9-402(7), the
original financing statement would continue to be effective with
respect to collateral acquired before the name change as well as
collateral acquired within the four-month period.

§9-1508.__Effectiveness of financing statement if new debtor

becomes bound by security agreement

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