LD 2245
pg. 321
Page 320 of 493 An Act to Adopt the Model Revised Article 9 Secured Transactions Page 322 of 493
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LR 1087
Item 1

example, some corporate laws provide that, when two corporations
merge, the surviving corporation succeeds to the assets of its
merger partner and "has all liabilities" of both corporations.
In the case where, for example, A Corp merges into B Corp (and A
Corp ceases to exist), some people have questioned whether A
Corp's grant of a security interest in its existing and after-
acquired property becomes a "liability" of B Corp, such that B
Corp's existing and after-acquired property becomes subject to a
security interest in favor of A Corp's lender. Even if corporate
law were to give a negative answer, under Section 9-203(d)(2)
[Maine cite section 9-1203, subsection (4), paragraph (b)], B
Corp would become bound for purposes of Section 9-203(e) [Maine
cite section 9-1203, subsection (5)] and this section. The
"substantially all of the assets" requirement of Section 9-
203(d)(2) [Maine cite section 9-1203, subsection (4), paragraph
(b)] excludes sureties and other secondary obligors as well as
persons who become obligated through veil piercing and other non-
successorship doctrines. In most cases, it will exclude
successors to the assets and liabilities of a division of a

4. When Financing Statement Effective Against New Debtor.
Subsection (a) [Maine cite subsection (1)] provides that a filing
against the original debtor is effective to perfect a security
interest in collateral that a new debtor has at the time it
becomes bound by the original debtor's security agreement and
collateral that it acquires before the expiration of four months
after the new debtor becomes bound. Under subsection (b) [Maine
cite subsection (2)], however, if the filing against the original
debtor is seriously misleading as to the new debtor's name, the
filing is effective as to collateral acquired by the new debtor
after the four-month period only if a person files during the
four-month period an initial financing statement providing the
name of the new debtor. Compare Section 9-507(c) [Maine cite
section 9-1507, subsection (3)] (four-month period of
effectiveness with respect to collateral acquired by a debtor
after the debtor changes its name).

5. Transferred Collateral. This section does not apply to
collateral transferred by the original debtor to a new debtor.
Under those circumstances, the filing against the original debtor
continues to be effective until it lapses. See subsection (c)
[Maine cite subsection (3)]; Section 9-507(a) [Maine cite section
9-1507, subsection (1)].

6. Priority. Section 9-326 [Maine cite section 9-1326]
governs the priority contest between a secured creditor of the
original debtor and a secured creditor of the new debtor.

§9-1509.__Persons entitled to file a record

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