LD 2245
pg. 369
Page 368 of 493 An Act to Adopt the Model Revised Article 9 Secured Transactions Page 370 of 493
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LR 1087
Item 1

(7)__Except as otherwise provided in section 9-1607,
subsection (3), this part imposes no duties upon a secured party
that is a consignor or is a buyer of accounts, chattel paper,
payment intangibles or promissory notes.

Official Comment

1. Source. Former Section 9-501(1), (2), (5).

2. Enforcement: In General. The rights of a secured party
to enforce its security interest in collateral after the debtor's
default are an important feature of a secured transaction. (Note
that the term "rights," as defined in Section 1-201, includes
"remedies.") This Part provides those rights as well as certain
limitations on their exercise for the protection of the
defaulting debtor, other creditors, and other affected persons.
However, subsections (a) and (d) [Maine cite subsections (1) and
(4)] make clear that the rights provided in this Part do not
exclude other rights provided by agreement.

3. When Remedies Arise. Under subsection (a) [Maine cite
subsection (1)] the secured party's rights arise "[a]fter
default." As did former Section 9501, this Article leaves to the
agreement of the parties the circumstances giving rise to a
default. This Article does not determine whether a secured
party's post-default conduct can constitute a waiver of default
in the face of an agreement stating that such conduct shall not
constitute a waiver. Rather, it continues to leave to the
parties' agreement, as supplemented by law other than this
Article, the determination whether a default has occurred or has
been waived. See Section 1-103.

4. Possession of Collateral; Section 9-207 [Maine cite
section 9-1207]. After a secured party takes possession of
collateral following a default, there is no longer any
distinction between a security interest that before default was
nonpossessory and a security interest that was possessory before
default, as under a common-law pledge. This Part generally does
not distinguish between the rights of a secured party with a
nonpossessory security interest and those of a secured party with
a possessory security interest. However, Section 9-207 [Maine
cite section 9-1207] addresses rights and duties with respect to
collateral in a secured party's possession. Under subsection (b)
[Maine cite subsection (2)] of this section, Section 9-207 [Maine
cite section 9-1207] applies not only to possession before
default but also to possession after default. Subsection (b)
[Maine cite subsection (2)] also has been conformed to Section 9-
207 [Maine cite section 9-1207], which, unlike former Section 9-
207, applies to secured
parties having control of collateral.

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