LD 2245
pg. 373
Page 372 of 493 An Act to Adopt the Model Revised Article 9 Secured Transactions Page 374 of 493
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LR 1087
Item 1

Section 9-207(c)(4)(C) [Maine cite section 9-1207, subsection
(3), paragraph (d), subparagraph (iii)], which deals with the use
and operation of consumer goods, (ii) the right to a response to
a request for an accounting, concerning a list of collateral, or
concerning a statement of account (Section 9-210) [Maine cite
section 9-1210], (iii) the duty to collect collateral in a
commercially reasonable manner (Section 9-607) [Maine cite
section 9-1607], (iv) the implicit duty to refrain from a breach
of the peace in taking possession of collateral under Section 9-
609 [Maine cite section 9-1609], (v) the duty to apply noncash
proceeds of collection or disposition in a commercially
reasonable manner (Sections 9-608 and 9-615) [Maine cite sections
9-1608 and 9-1615], (vi) the right to a special method of
calculating a surplus or deficiency in certain dispositions to a
secured party, a person related to secured party, or a secondary
obligor (Section 9-615) [Maine cite section 9-1615], (vii) the
duty to give an explanation of the calculation of a surplus or
deficiency (Section 9-616) [Maine cite 9-1616], (viii) the right
to limitations on the effectiveness of certain waivers (Section
9-624) [Maine cite section 9-1624], and (ix) the right to hold a
secured party liable for failure to comply with this Article
(Sections 9-625 and 9-626) [Maine cite section 9-1625 and 9-
1626]. For clarity and consistency, this Article uses the term
"waive or vary" instead of "renounc[e] or modify[]," which
appeared in former Section 9-504(3).

This section provides generally that the specified rights and
duties "may not be waived or varied" However, it does not
restrict the ability of parties to agree to settle, compromise,
or renounce claims for past conduct that may have constituted a
violation or breach of those rights and duties, even if the
settlement involves an express "waiver."

4. Waiver by Debtors and Obligors. The restrictions on
waiver contained in this section apply to obligors as well as
debtors. This resolves a question under former Article 9 as to
whether secondary obligors, assuming that they were "debtors" for
purposes of former Part 5, were permitted to waive, under the law
of suretyship, rights and duties under that Part.

5. Certain Post-Default Waivers. Section 9-624 [Maine cite
section 9-1624] permits post-default waivers in limited
circumstances. These waivers must be made in agreements that are
authenticated. Under Section 1-201, an "'agreement' means the
bargain of the parties in fact." In considering waivers under
Section 9-624 [Maine cite section 9-1624] and analogous
agreements in other contexts, courts should carefully scrutinize
putative agreements that appear in records that also address many
additional or unrelated matters.

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