LD 2245
pg. 377
Page 376 of 493 An Act to Adopt the Model Revised Article 9 Secured Transactions Page 378 of 493
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LR 1087
Item 1

2. Duties to Unknown Persons. This section relieves a
secured party from duties owed to a debtor or obligor, if the
secured party does not know about the debtor or obligor.
Similarly, it relieves a secured party from duties owed to a
secured party or lienholder who has filed a financing statement
against the debtor, if the secured party does not know about the
debtor. For example, a secured party may be unaware that the
original debtor has sold the collateral subject to the security
interest and that the new owner has become the debtor. If so,
the secured party owes no duty to the new owner (debtor) or to a
secured party who has filed a financing statement against the new
owner. This section should be read in conjunction with the
exculpatory provisions in Section 9-628 [Maine cite section 9-
1628]. Note that it relieves a secured party not only from
duties arising under this Article but also from duties arising
under other law by virtue of the secured party's status as such
under this Article, unless the other law otherwise provides.

§9-1606.__Time of default for agricultural lien

For purposes of this part, a default occurs in connection with
an agricultural lien at the time the secured party becomes
entitled to enforce the lien in accordance with the statute under
which it was created.

Official Comment

1. Source. New.

2. Time of Default. Remedies under this Part become
available upon the debtor's "default." See Section 9-601 [Maine
cite section 9-1601]. This section explains when "default"
occurs in the agricultural-lien context. It requires one to
consult the enabling statute to determine when the lienholder is
entitled to enforce the lien.

§9-1607.__Collection and enforcement by secured party

(1)__If so agreed, and in any event after default, a secured

(a)__May notify an account debtor or other person obligated
on collateral to make payment or otherwise render
performance to or for the benefit of the secured party;

(b)__May take any proceeds to which the secured party is
entitled under section 9-1315;

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