LD 2245
pg. 39
Page 38 of 493 An Act to Adopt the Model Revised Article 9 Secured Transactions Page 40 of 493
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LR 1087
Item 1

multi-bank facility under which Bank A, Bank B, and Bank C are
lenders and Bank A serves as the collateral agent. If the
security interest is granted to the banks, then they are the
secured parties. If the security interest is granted to Bank A
as collateral agent, then Bank A is the secured party.

c. Other Parties. A "consumer obligor" is defined as the
obligor in a consumer transaction. Definitions of "new
debtor" and "original debtor" are used in the special rules
found in Sections 9-326 and 9-508 [Maine cite sections 9-
1326 and 9-1508].

3. Definitions Relating to Creation of a Security Interest.

a. "Collateral." As under former Section 9-105,
"collateral" is the property subject to a security interest
and includes accounts and chattel paper that have been sold.
It has been expanded in this Article. The term now
explicitly includes proceeds subject to a security interest.
It also reflects the broadened scope of the Article. It
includes property subject to an agricultural lien as well as
payment intangibles and promissory notes that have been

b. "Security Agreement." The definition of "security
agreement" is substantially the same as under former Section
9105-an agreement that creates or provides for a security
interest. However, the term frequently was used
colloquially in former Article 9 to refer to the document or
writing that contained a debtor's security agreement. This
Article eliminates that usage, reserving the term for the
more precise meaning specified in the definition.

Whether an agreement creates a security interest depends not
on whether the parties intend that the law characterize the
transaction as a security interest but rather on whether the
transaction falls within the definition of "security interest" in
Section 1-201. Thus, an agreement that the parties characterize
as a "lease" of goods may be a "security agreement,"
notwithstanding the parties' stated intention that the law treat
the transaction as a lease and not as a secured transaction.

4. Goods-Related Definitions.

a. "Goods"; "Consumer Goods"; "Equipment"; "Farm Products";
"Farming Operation"; "Inventory." The definition of "goods"
is substantially the same as the definition in former
Section 9-105. This Article also retains the four mutually-
exclusive "types" of collateral that consist of goods:
"consumer goods," "equipment,"

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