LD 2245
pg. 416
Page 415 of 493 An Act to Adopt the Model Revised Article 9 Secured Transactions Page 417 of 493
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LR 1087
Item 1

disposition of collateral which discharges a security interest.
Inasmuch as a secured party could itself buy collateral at its
own public sale, it makes no sense to prohibit a recourse party
ever from buying at the sale.

4. Timing and Scope of Obligations. Under subsection (a)
[Maine cite subsection (1)], a recourse party acquires rights and
incurs obligations only "after" one of the specified
circumstances occurs. This makes clear that when a successor
assignee, transferee, or subrogee becomes obligated it does not
assume any liability for earlier actions or inactions of the
secured party whom it has succeeded unless it agrees to do so.
Once the successor becomes obligated, however, it is responsible
for complying with the secured party's duties thereafter. For
example, if the successor is in possession of collateral, then it
has the duties specified in Section 9-207 [Maine cite section 9-

Under subsection (b) [Maine cite subsection (2)], the same
event (assignment, transfer, or subrogation) that gives rise to
rights to, and imposes obligations on, a successor relieves its
predecessor of any further duties under this Article. For
example, if the security interest is enforced after the secured
obligation is assigned, the assignee-but not the assignor-has the
duty to comply with this Part. Similarly, the assignment does
not excuse the assignor from liability for failure to comply with
duties that arose before the event or impose liability on the
assignee for the assignor's failure to comply.

§9-1619.__Transfer of record or legal title

(1)__In this section, "transfer statement" means a record
authenticated by a secured party stating:

(a)__That the debtor has defaulted in connection with an
obligation secured by specified collateral;

(b)__That the secured party has exercised its post-default
remedies with respect to the collateral;

(c)__That, by reason of the exercise, a transferee has
acquired the rights of the debtor in the collateral; and

(d)__The name and mailing address of the secured party,
debtor and transferee.

(2)__A transfer statement entitles the transferee to the
transfer of record of all rights of the debtor in the collateral
specified in the statement in any official filing, recording,
registration or certificate-of-title system covering the

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