LD 2245
pg. 420
Page 419 of 493 An Act to Adopt the Model Revised Article 9 Secured Transactions Page 421 of 493
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LR 1087
Item 1

(6)__To comply with subsection (5), the secured party shall
dispose of the collateral:

(a)__Within 90 days after taking possession; or

(b)__Within any longer period to which the debtor and all
secondary obligors have agreed in an agreement to that
effect entered into and authenticated after default.

(7)__In a consumer transaction, a secured party may not accept
collateral in partial satisfaction of the obligation it secures.

Official Comment

1. Source. Former Section 9-505.

2. Overview. This section and the two sections following
deal with strict foreclosure, a procedure by which the secured
party acquires the debtor's interest in the collateral without
the need for a sale or other disposition under Section 9-610
[Maine cite section 9-1610]. Although these provisions derive
from former Section 9-505, they have been entirely reorganized
and substantially rewritten. The more straightforward approach
taken in this Article eliminates the fiction that the secured
party always will present a "proposal" for the retention of
collateral and the debtor will have a fixed period to respond.
By eliminating the need (but preserving the possibility) for
proceeding in that fashion, this section eliminates much of the
awkwardness of former Section 9-505. It reflects the belief that
strict foreclosures should be encouraged and often will produce
better results than a disposition for all concerned.

Subsection (a) [Maine cite subsection (1)] sets forth the
conditions necessary to an effective acceptance (formerly,
retention) of collateral in full or partial satisfaction of the
secured obligation. Section 9-621 [Maine cite section 9-1621]
requires in addition that a secured party who wishes to proceed
under this section notify certain other persons who have or claim
to have an interest in the collateral. Unlike the failure to
meet the conditions in subsection (a) [Maine cite subsection
(1)], under Section 9-622(b) [Maine cite section 9-1622,
subsection (2)] the failure to comply with the notification
requirement of Section 9-621 [Maine cite section 9-1621] does not
render the acceptance of collateral ineffective. Rather, the
acceptance can take effect notwithstanding the secured party's
noncompliance. A person to whom the required notice was not sent
has the right to recover damages under Section 9-625(b) [Maine
cite section 9-1625, subsection (2)]. Section 9-622(a) [Maine

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