LD 2245
pg. 428
Page 427 of 493 An Act to Adopt the Model Revised Article 9 Secured Transactions Page 429 of 493
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LR 1087
Item 1

complies with this Article. Thus, subordinate interests are
discharged regardless of whether a proposal was required to be
sent or, if required, was sent. However, a secured party's
failure to send a proposal or otherwise to comply with this
Article may subject the secured party to liability under Section
9-625 [Maine cite section 9-1625].

§9-1623.__Right to redeem collateral

(1)__A debtor, any secondary obligor or any other secured
party or lienholder may redeem collateral.

(2)__To redeem collateral, a person shall tender:

(a)__Fulfillment of all obligations secured by the
collateral; and

(b)__The reasonable expenses and attorney's fees described
in section 9-1615, subsection (1), paragraph (a).

(3)__A redemption may occur at any time before a secured

(a)__Has collected collateral under section 9-1607;

(b)__Has disposed of collateral or entered into a contract
for its disposition under section 9-1610; or

(c)__Has accepted collateral in full or partial satisfaction
of the obligation it secures under section 9-1622.

Official Comment

1. Source. Former Section 9-506.

2. Redemption Right. Under this section, as under former
Section 9-506, the debtor or another secured party may redeem
collateral as long as the secured party has not collected
(Section 9-607 [Maine cite section 9-1607]), disposed of or
contracted for the disposition of (Section 9-610 [Maine cite
section 9-1610]), or accepted (Section 9-620 [Maine cite section
9-1620]) the collateral. Although this section generally follows
former Section 9506, it extends the right of redemption to
holders of nonconsensual liens. To redeem the collateral a
person must tender fulfillment of all obligations secured, plus
certain expenses. If the entire balance of a secured obligation
has been accelerated, it would be necessary to tender the entire
balance. A tender of fulfillment obviously means more than a new
promise to perform an existing promise. It requires payment in
full of all monetary obligations then due and performance in full

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