LD 2245
pg. 438
Page 437 of 493 An Act to Adopt the Model Revised Article 9 Secured Transactions Page 439 of 493
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LR 1087
Item 1

(a)__In the usual manner on any recognized market;

(b)__At the price current in any recognized market at the
time of the disposition; or

(c)__Otherwise in conformity with reasonable commercial
practices among dealers in the type of property that was the
subject of the disposition.

(3)__A collection, enforcement, disposition or acceptance is
commercially reasonable if it has been approved:

(a)__In a judicial proceeding;

(b)__By a bona fide creditors' committee;

(c)__By a representative of creditors; or

(d)__By an assignee for the benefit of creditors.

(4)__Approval under subsection (3) need not be obtained, and
lack of approval does not mean that the collection, enforcement,
disposition or acceptance is not commercially reasonable.

Official Comment

1. Source. Former Section 9-507(2).

2. Relationship of Price to Commercial Reasonableness. Some
observers have found the notion contained in subsection (a)
[Maine cite subsection (1)] (derived from former Section 9-
507(2)) (the fact that a better price could have been obtained
does not establish lack of commercial reasonableness) to be
inconsistent with that found in Section 9-610(b) [Maine cite
section 9-1610, subsection (2)] (derived from former Section 9-
504(3) (every aspect of the disposition, including its terms,
must be commercially reasonable). There is no such
inconsistency. While not itself sufficient to establish a
violation of this Part, a low price suggests that a court should
scrutinize carefully all aspects of a disposition to ensure that
each aspect was commercially reasonable.

The law long has grappled with the problem of dispositions of
personal and real property which comply with applicable
procedural requirements (e.g., advertising, notification to
interested persons, etc.) but which yield a price that seems low.
This Article addresses that issue in Section 9-615(f) [Maine cite
section 9-1615, subsection (6)]. That section applies only when
the transferee is the secured party, a person

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